#63- Richmond Kickers Round-up: NE Rev 2 review Let Freedom Ring!

In this week's episode of Rivercity93, we go over The Richmond Kickers 2-1 win over NE Revs 2 and how this team is starting to give us hope. This week the crew sits down to breakdown The Richmond Kickers 2-1 win over NE Revs 2 in a Friday night battle. Richmond started this game off in a different way by not going all-in on the press and waiting to pounce when the moment came. We also give the proper level of hype to Ian Antley as he proved the game-winning assist for Ryley Kraft. As this was also Ackwei return game from suspension and Darren decided to play him at striker. Although the Kickers win this game we still have some questions as who will help out in the scoring front. Sponsors: The Beautiful Game Network Ruffneck Scarves For The Culture Icarus FC Shop RiverCity93 launched in 2019 covering all things Richmond Kickers from USL League One. Both of whom are members of the Richmond Kickers' supporters group the River City Red Army. The podcast focuses on game analysis, interviews with players and front office personnel, club history, and much more! Follow the show on Twitter at @rivercity93 or on Instagram @rivercity93. And make sure to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast service using the links in the audio player above. Afterward, make sure to check out our newest podcast "Can I Kick it". A brand new podcast built on telling the stories of Black athletes, coaches, and owners. With each episode breaks down the career path of each person and focuses on their impact. If you are interested in supporting further episodes of "Can I kick it" you can do so here at Support